Maliki calls people of Fallujah to “liberate the city”

Maliki calls people of Fallujah to “liberate the city”
, describing cutting off water on central and southern governorates as “despicable behavior”.

Maliki said in his weekly televised speech, briefed by “Shafaq News”, that " al-Qaeda cut of water is a heinous crime and it is something expected by al-Qaeda and Baath that used to practice all kinds of crime."

Maliki described cutting Euphrates water by saying that “This despicable behavior and the process of cutting off water to end life is a proof that they do not hesitate from revenge , destruction of the political process and creating discord and punish those who disagreed with them of the sons of Fallujah ."

"They don’t distinguish between an Iraqi and another as they want their sectarian prospective thoughts to win when they conducted this process “.

"The terrorists have expelled all the sons of Fallujah and let the killers and the families of the killers remain , we will not stand still in front of criminals and will not allow them to cut water , the government has taken its decision through army, and we will defend Iraq and the political process from Al-Qaeda , Baath and Daash who are the other face of the policy adopted by the Baath regime , when they has dried the marshes ,” he added.

The Office of the General Commander of the Armed Forces , had announced last Sunday that " Daash organization and its supporters of the Baathists in Fallujah cut water on central and southern regions ," and vowed to take " the utmost force."

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