Lebanese newspaper: Corruption of Shiite parties has made Iran without popularity in Iraq

Lebanese newspaper: Corruption of Shiite parties has made Iran without popularity in Iraq

Shafaq News/ Iran has become without a popular back in Iraq, the Lebanese daily Al-Akhbar reported on Saturday.

It said in a report that despite the drastic difference between the political system in post-2003 Iraq and the former regime of Saddam Hussein, by the first relying on democracy in writing its constitution (2005), which included articles and paragraphs preached for «free pluralistic system» that will be one of the best regimes In the Middle East, however, this system has failed to produce a political mindset that is consistent with the spirit of democracy. Therefore, the political path has moved towards sectarian and nationalist ditching, resulting in the establishment of a political system with a societal majority, closer to Tehran than to Washington, which has long believed to be in charge of this country.

The Newspaper added that this great opportunity has been invested by Iran in a very large way. In the years leading up to the recent wave of demonstrations (1st of October), which swept most of the southern provinces with a Shiite majority, it extended its tremendous influence over most of the security and political scenes in Mesopotamia. . This influence has always been based on the support of the Shiite street, whether in countering the insurgency and terrorism that hit the Sunni provinces, or in addressing "calls for secession and independence in the three Kurdish provinces”.

In contrast, the ignorance and corruption of Shiite political parties and forces has become the basis for destroying all of Iran's strategic objectives in Iraq. These parties and forces have become the ugly and corrupt face of Iran from the point of view of the Shiite street. What increased the gap between this street and Tehran was the harsh approach against the protesters demanding their simplest living-service rights, coupled with extensive coverage by Western media outlets (along with social media platforms and networks) that have influenced the popular mood. To the extent that turned the confrontation between the Shiite street and its parties into a confrontation between the Shiites and Iran. The confrontation did not stop there, but it have developed and reached the point of rejecting the religious bases on which Iran has always been used to tame the Shiites of Iraq and even the entire Shiite world, and make them turn in its orbit through the clerics and references, in a development that explains the spread of the principles of atheism and religiousness among the Shiite youth.

The newspaper noted that the demonstrations of 1st of October, and the iron fist used by the Shiite political forces towards the angry street, left a firm feeling among the demonstrators that their doctrine will not help them if they think of threatening the interests of their parties, but they may be treated harsher than the Iraqi components, This reality will make Iran and its allies of the Shiite parties precisely in the face of a clear fact in the coming days, in which Tehran must face all challenges and future crises alone, without the presence of a large Shiite Iraqi street. A street that was lost due to corruption and mismanagement of the state from 2005 to the present day, especially by Tehran's allies and followers in Iraq.

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