Kurdistan Alliance: Passing the budget is a deliberate step to convert the crisis to Erbil

Kurdistan Alliance: Passing the budget is a deliberate step to convert the crisis to Erbil

The Iraqi Council of Ministers passed a law on the general budget for the current year 2014, despite the refusal by the Vice President of the Council, Roze Nuri Shaways and KurdishMinisters.

“Iraq cant face more crisis and what happened today is a deliberate attempt to turn the crisis from Anbar to Kurdistan so that the budget won’t be passed and elections won’t be held, “the member of Kurdistan Alliance , Mahma Khalil told “Shafaq News “.

Khelil said , " This procedure is incorrect and will lead to more tension between Baghdad and Erbil ."

It is scheduled to for the President of Kurdistan Regional Government , Nechirvan Barzani at the head of a government delegation to visit Baghdad today or tomorrow to discuss the differences between Baghdad and Erbil on the budget bill and the export of oil from the region to Turkey via the new pipeline.

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