Kurdish MP : International oil companies to transfer their work from southern Iraq to Kurdistan

Kurdish MP : International oil companies to transfer their work from southern Iraq to Kurdistan

, attributed the reason to what it called as the failure of oil policies pursued by Baghdad .

The issue of producing and exporting oil from Kurdistan Region and how to distribute the financial revenues is one of the outstanding issues between Baghdad and Erbil .

“The oil policy followed by Kurdistan Regional Government has achieved a great success compared to the policy pursued by the federal government,” The MP of Kurdistan Alliance bloc , Ashwaq al-Jaff stated in an interview for " Shafaq News “.

She added that the federal government had "failed to" run the oil file , making a lot of international oil companies , " consider withdrawal " from the southern fields to work in Kurdistan as American Exxon Mobil and Chevron Companies as well as the French company Total , while in turn the regional government succeeded in its oil policy on how to extract , explore and attract companies .

She pointed out that the regional government doesn’t hold the responsibility of " failure" of the Iraqi Oil Ministry in managing the oil file, and therefore " charging " the region of exporting oil without the knowledge of Baghdad is undue and it is not the fault of the region to pay the price for the failures that occurred in the oil administration followed by the federal government ."

Al-Jaff believed that the policy followed by the region contributed to the development strategy of the country where oil imports and exports from the region goes to all the sons of the Iraqi people and thus increase Iraq's imports in general .

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