Kurdish demonstration demand to stop exporting oil to Kirkuk , until paying the region’s salaries

Kurdish demonstration demand to stop exporting oil to Kirkuk , until paying the region’s salaries

, during a demonstration organized in front of the North Oil Company in Arafa area in central Kirkuk with the participation of dozens of people to stop the export of oil from Kirkuk until the disposal of the region’s salaries.

Those organizations made ​​several demands addressed to the provincial government and the administration of Kirkuk to implement them , including stop Kirkuk oil exports to the Turkish port of Ceyhan and cut Kurdistan’s’ water from other Iraqi cities .

One of the activists and participants in the demonstration, named , Sttar Jabari said in an interview with " Shafaq News " that “ the Iraqi government should not exploit salaries as pressure on the region and exploit in the elections , pointing out that this is unacceptable “.

He added that the Kurds are demanding administrations of Kirkuk province to stop Kirkuk oil exports , which constitute 20% of the Iraqi oil exports from Kurdistan 's share of 17 % from the budget. "

The organizations hold Maliki’s government the responsibility of its “negligence “in this file , it also raised slogans calling to make Kirkuk’s oil for Kurdistan .

The Directorate of Kirkuk Asaish affiliated of the Democratic Party of Kurdistan tightened security to protect the protesters .

The two negotiations conducted by the head of Kurdistan Regional Government , Nechirvan Barzani at the head of a high level delegation with Prime Minister , Nuri al-Maliki and other senior officials in the federal government did not result in an agreement on the outstanding issues between Baghdad and Erbil, including the problem of the general budget and the export of oil from the region to Turkey via the new pipeline , As a result of Baghdad 's insistence on Erbil to export 400 000 barrels of oil per day from Kurdistan fields daily where the latter rejected this demand .

Baghdad has cut salaries for the employees of the region for the current and previous two months in unprecedented move and Erbil responded to resort to the Federal Court , while Kurdish bodies and organizations demanded the regional government to take steps to respond , including cutting off water on the rest of the Iraqi provinces .

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