Kirkuk Operations: The rape issue of a woman took a bad turn

Kirkuk Operations: The rape issue of a woman took a bad turn

Shafaq News / The commander of joint operations in Kirkuk, General Saad Harbiyeh considered the rape of a Kurdish woman on Saturday as "took a bad turn" announcing that the victim’s husband has filed a complaint against the perpetrators of the crime.

General Harbiyeh said in a press conference held today and attended by Shafaq News reporter, that two weeks ago the crime of assaulting citizenship occurred in Elton Bridge and the video documenting the incident spread two days ago, adding that "this case took a bad turn , it is a crime and has nothing to do with nationalism. "

He pointed to the formation of committees to follow up the case, pointing out that the victim’s husband has files a complaint against the perpetrators.

He added that the victim is mentally ill and her husband is disabled and we do not want to defame the issue, "noting that the perpetrator is a member of the federal police who has been arrested as well as those who colluded with him and they have been referred to the judiciary."

He pointed that “talking about the victim being Kurdish and the perpetrators from the Turkmen nationalism is not accepted.”

The commander added, saying, "This crime is about honor and did not deserve to take this wide level of defamation."

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