Issawi reveals the “main reason “ for al-Maliki’s meeting in Anbar

Issawi reveals the “main reason “ for al-Maliki’s meeting in Anbar

in Al -Asad air base instead of the governorate building , stressing that the reason is not about security conditions in Ramadicity.

"Choosing Assad air base as a place for the meeting of Prime Minister with the local administration and tribal leaders of Anbar on Saturday was for the fact that the base is in the center of Anbar and all tribal leaders can participat in the meeting instead of Ramadi city , where some cant arrive to it ,” Issawi told “Shafaq News “.

Al-Issawi added that , " the rumors of some media that the meeting was held at a military base instead of Ramadi came because of the instability of the security situation of Ramadi city is not true and now Ramadi is calm now “.

Prime Minister , Nuri al-Maliki announced on Saturday that the security forces , along with the tribes have achieved "victory" against al-Qaeda and the " Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant " , " Daash " in Anbar province.

Maliki ordered to honor the fighters from the armed forces in Ramadi .

He appointed 10 thousand fighters of tribes who fought against " Daash " in government jobs .

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