Iraq’s tribes calls to stay away from the national strife after Bedaiwi’s death

Iraq’s tribes calls to stay away from the national strife after Bedaiwi’s death
to some of those who seek to exploit the murder of journalist , Mohammed al-Shammari Bedaiwi to influence the Kurdish -Arab relations in Iraq .

Bedaiwi was shot and killed by an officer of the presidential regiment in Jadiriya area after an argument, but it was not clear the reasons for the officer shooting of fire.

Tamimi said during a visit to the headquarters of Kurdistan Democratic Party in Baghdad accompanied by the representative for the General Council of Iraq’s tribal leaders in Kurdistan Region North of Khoshnaw attended by " Shafaq News “, that " we do not want to exploit the killing of Dr. Mohammed al-Shammari to create strife between Kurds and Arabs as well as the Iraqi people “.

Tamimi expressed readiness to visit Kurdistan to meet the region's president , Massoud Barzani and president of Kurdistan government , Nechirvan Barzani to confirm the strength of the Kurdish -Arab relations in Iraq .

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