Iraq confirms conclusion of arms deal with Iran for 195 million dollars

Iraq confirms conclusion of arms deal with Iran for 195 million dollars


According to documents seen by “Shafaq News “after being published by Reuters “ Iran and Iraq have violated the international ban on sales of Tehran , through an arms deal worth 195 million dollars”.

“ Yes, we have conducted an arms deal with Iran , Iraq has the right to diversify the sources of its weapons,” The head of the security and defense committee Hassan al- Sinead told “Shafaq News ".

Sinead declined to detect hthe time of concluding the deal worth 195 million dollars .

The documents show that the agreement was concluded at the end of last November after just a few weeks of the return of Iraqi Prime Minister , Nuri al-Maliki from Washington, where he requested additional weapons from the administration of President , Barack Obama to fight al-Qaeda militants .

Till now , an official position of the Iranian government have not been shown about an arm deal with Iraq .

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