Iraq carried out death sentence on convicted of terrorist charges

Iraq carried out death sentence on convicted of terrorist charges
issued against them have been approved by republic presidency.

“The first convicted was charged in accordance with Article 4 terrorism , and sentenced to death for belonging to al-Qaeda "terrorist" organization and his involvement in killing two brothers for one hundred dollars ,” A statement of the Iraqi Corrections Service received by “Shafaq News”.

He added that the second convicted was also charged in accordance with Article 4 of terrorism and sentenced to death for his involvement in kidnapping three people , killing them and stealing their cars to achieve material benefits and provoke sectarian prejudices .

The Secretary -General of the United Nations , Ban Ki-moon has urged Iraq to abandon the use of the death penalty when he visited Baghdad last January , but Iraqi Prime Minister , Nuri al-Maliki - who was supporting Ban - scolded him by saying that " Iraq does not believe in respecting the rights of murderers" .

Iraq has executed 169 people last year.

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