International Investigation Commission of Human Rights in Syria visits Kurdistan

International Investigation Commission of Human Rights in Syria visits Kurdistan

to the region to brief it on violations as a result of the violence taking place in Syria .

Kurdistan Region has about 250 000 Syrian refugees in camps spread over Erbil, Dohuk and Sulaymaniyah , as there are a few thousand of them preferred to live outside the camps with relatives or rented houses in some cities of the region.

“Official of foreign relations in KRG, Falah Mustafa received on Monday a delegation of the International Independent Investigation Commission for Human Rights in Syria , headed by Paulo Sergio Pinheiro ,” According to a statement issued by KRG received by “Shafaq News”.

According to the statement , Pinheiro reviewed the importance of the establishment of this Commission, which began its activities in September 2011, it has also visited Syria in 2012 as part of its efforts to reduce violence and violations of human rights , where the Commission held meetings with senior Syrian officials , but those efforts did not reach into tangible results .

Pinheiro explained that the visit came to be informed about issues related to human rights violations in Syria and ways to cooperate with the victims of violence.

The commission has started its activities with the start of conflicts and submitted its report to the relevant authorities , it also tried to deliver voices of the victims of violence and war and help them , as the Commission seeks at the same time to define crimes in the International Criminal Court in order to prosecute the perpetrators of these crimes .

The International Investigation Commission of Human Rights is an independent entity which will publish its report concerning human rights violations in Syria in the fifth this March and will be based on information and reports prepared by international agencies and organizations .

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