Hundreds of people demonstrate in central Baghdad

Hundreds of people demonstrate in central Baghdad

“Shafaq News” reporter said that” about 500 people gathered this morning in Firdos Square in central Baghdad and demonstrated in protest at paragraph 37 of the Unified Retirement Law allocated for the salaries , privileges of MPs and officials , the deterioration of the security, political and service situation in the country , noting that the number of demonstrators continues to increase .

He added that the licensed demonstration has informed activists in the demonstration that they got yesterday the approval of the Ministry of Interior to go out today , adding that the atmosphere of the event is quiet and organized as security forces have provided the necessary protection for the people of demonstrators .

He added that the demonstrators carried banners where they refused to allocate those salaries and benefits , and started shouting against it , demanding to expedite its cancellation.

Article 37 of the Unified Retirement Law stipulates giving pensions for MPs and other officials presidencies; As Observers pointed out that it has been voted on , despite public opposition and claims of many of MPs that they voted against it.

The supreme Marjiyaa in Najaf has criticized pushing the privileges of the special degrees for MPs and senior officials in the Unified Retirement Law through paragraph 37 , calling not to vote on that paragraph, if not canceled .

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