Daash threatns Sunnis not to participate in the elections

Daash threatns Sunnis not to participate in the elections

as, " disbelief " in the Islamic religion , warning the Sunni community from participating through voting , nomination and work with the Independent High Electoral Commission.


“To the Sunnis , We advice all of you not to participate in the elections and that these elections are just a mean to get to the democratic system which is rule by the people for the people , which is a disbelief principle based on the sovereignty of the people and not to God , “A statement issued by the organization briefed by “Shafaq News” said.

“We warn all Muslims from participating in this failed process and warn of nomination in order to prevent a tyrant to come instead of the rule of God.

The statement added that " beware of enrollment in the ranks of the so-called Lower Independent electoral Commission and warn staff and teachers to help in blasphemous process."

Media reports say that the rest of the groups and armed factions in Iraq, particularly associated with the Vice President of the former regime, Izzat al-Duri began to fall under the banner of " Daash " , and that the latter began decimating any group that does not declare allegiance to him in the unstable areas in terms of security .

The armed groups started re-controlling some Sunni areas as in the period between 2006 to 2008 because of Anbar province crisis, but this time under the command of " Daash " , not al-Qaeda.

It seems that the events taking place in Anbar province has cast effected the security situation in a number of provinces like Nineveh , Salahuddin , Diyala, Kirkuk , Babil and areas in the capital Baghdad that began as warning of the return of violence and sectarian fighting that had taken place between 2006 and 2007 .

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