Daash Elements in Fallujah prepare for the zero hour by mining neighborhoods and streets

Daash Elements in Fallujah prepare for the zero hour by mining neighborhoods and streets

elements have mined the Bridge of the City and a number of neighborhoods in preparation for an expected attack from the security forces .

Ramadi city in Anbar province has lived on Sunday ,a violent day of clashes between gunmen in a number of areas while the western regions of the Anbar province didn’t witness any events.

The western regions are ;Heet , Anna , Rawa and al-Qaem.

A medical official told “Shafaq News " that " two people were killed , and at least eight others were wounded by the bombing on Fallujahcity."

For his part, a security source told “Shafaq News " that " insurgents linked to the Islamic state in Iraq and the Levant ascended the minarets of mosques in Fallujah , and called to prepare for a confrontation with the Iraqi army, which might enter the city at any time ," pointing that “ insurgents mined a bridge which connects Fallujah city and some neighborhoods by roadside bombs”.

The governor of Anbar, Ahmed al-Dulaimi had written on his page on the social networking site "Facebook" , briefed by " Shafaq News " that "   the security forces have no intention to storm Fallujah city," calling for " clan elders and the people of Fallujah to expel the terrorists and free Fallujah from them."

In Ramadi , a source told “Shafaq News " that " yesterday evening , the city witnessed violent clashes between gunmen and army troops in 60 , 20 neighborhoods and other areas , which also displaced dozens of local residents outside the city ."

He said that " the military progressed in Albu Hazim area ​​ and managed to control it, after controlling al-Malaab area yesterday ."

So far , the communications and the Internet are still broken as well as the case with mobile phones in areas where the security forces present in Anbar , but it comes back for limited minutes and then stop again .

Senior Security officials , soldiers and Iraqi security forces said that they are preparing to storm Fallujah city and end the control of the armed militants that took about nearly a month .

The armed opponents of the government , including fighters from " Daash " group associated with al-Qaeda took control in early January on two cities in Anbar province in western Iraq, which are predominantly of Sunni sect .

The Ministry of Defense of Iraq announced , on Sunday that it had killed more than 50 element belonging to " Daash " , foiled dozens of bombings,   , destroyed weapons belonging to them in al-Malaab area in Ramadi and completely cleared it from the organization .

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