British report: Iraqis fear of a return to sectarian conflict after election

British report: Iraqis fear of a return to sectarian conflict after election
, after the end of the parliamentary elections that took place the end of last April.

The newspaper said in a report prepared for the Iraqi elections and Iraqis fears in their daily lives , briefed by " Shafaq News ", that "The Iraqi citizens have expressed fears of an escalation of violence after the elections ."

It pointed out that " after the elections , described by Prime Minister , Nuri al-Maliki , as slap to " terrorists " made many Iraqis fear from the return of the escalation of unrest , and the return of the sectarian conflict in the country , the Iraqi scene seems more divided than ever ."

The Prime outgoing Minister , Nuri al-Maliki said at a news conference on Thursday, that the purple fingers won against terrorism .

The newspaper explained that " the Sunnis are escalating their rebellion in the north and west , while the Kurds demand autonomy in their areas , which poisons the political atmosphere in Iraq and reflect on the whole economy and the livelihood of citizens' daily life."

Fallujah and Ramadi cities in Anbar province have turned to a scene of fierce battles between Islamist militants linked to al -Qaeda on one hand and members of the local police and tribesmen backed by army troops on the other hand , killing and wounding hundreds of civilians.

It seems that the events taking place in Anbar province has affected the security situation in a number of provinces of Nineveh , Salahuddin , Diyala, Kirkuk , Babil and areas in the capital Baghdad , as it began to warn from the return of violence and sectarian fighting between 2006 and 2007 .

The newspaper quoted Iraqis who talked to them about their concerns of what will happen after the election due to past experiences , as they fear from the return of the civil war that broke out in 2006 and 2007 , when people were being killed in the streets , noting that "the political turmoil and the deteriorating security situation also caused high cost of living in energy and food prices and has made the middle classes of citizens suffer in securing their livelihood . "

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