British report: 150 Iraqi Shiite fighters infiltrated " Daash " , 2500 are preparing

British report: 150 Iraqi Shiite fighters infiltrated " Daash " , 2500 are preparing
organization with forged papers in order to penetrate , noting that there are 2500 other fighters are preparing to join the same organization.

The newspaper said in a published report, briefed by “Shafaq News " that " experts and leaders in the Syrian opposition forces believe that the Syrian regime has been penetrated by al-Qaeda to distinguish between opposition groups and strengthen its position ."

The newspaper added that " leaked documents show that officials in the Syrian regime may have helped a large number of Iraqi Shiite fighters to get false identity papers and then go to Syria and join the organization of the Islamic State in Iraq , Syria and fight with them."

“The forces of the Syrian army and militias fighting with them do not bomb sites controlled by the organization of the Islamic state often, while bomb daily Islamist groups and other non-Islamic opposition groups “.

“The documents , which were leaked and published on the site belonging to the Syrian opposition , including a speech directed by Colonel ( Haider Haider ) of the Security Commission in Aleppo for a Syrian security leader     ( Ali Mamlouk ) shows that 2500 Shiites fighter of Iraq will sign up to join the ranks of the organization."

According to the newspaper, " the speech also explained that there are already 150 fighters from the Iraqi Shiites trained well and 600 other fighters have joined the ranks of the Islamic State organization in various disciplines ."

Syria is experiencing a bloody war for more than 3 years, which has attracted tens of thousands of fighters and extremists of various regional countries, including the European countries .

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