Barzani calls Japan to help Syrian refugees in Kurdistan

Barzani calls Japan to help Syrian refugees in Kurdistan

as their number has reached quarter of a million refugees .

“ Barzani received on Wednesday , Japan's ambassador to Iraq , Kazuya Nascida,” A statement by the Presidency of KRG reported for " Shafaq News “ said.

Nascida shed light on his participation in the Joint Business Forum between Kurdistan region and Japan held in Erbil to reach understanding and build relationships between the two sides , pointing out that that this would be a motivation for Japanese businessmen to come and encourage them to participate in the investment activities in Kurdistan .

The Japanese ambassador praised according to the statement , high efforts of KRG and the people of the Kurdistan on the current progress in various fields , especially in reconstruction and construction fields , stressing his country's desire to develop bilateral relations , especially economic with Kurdistan Region .

Barzani expressed appreciation of KRG and the people of Kurdistan Region to Japan , for providing support for Kurdistan Region since the nineties of the last century by a number of agencies and non-governmental organizations , noting that KRG will continue to support the issue of Syrian refugees in Kurdistan region and help them .

President of Kurdistan Regional Government urged Japan to encourage Japanese organizations to help refugees in the region , announcing the readiness of KRG to provide full support to the business , the Japanese companies and Japanese investors and provide all opportunities to participate in the development of Kurdistan .

Syrian refugees are distributed in camps on the region in three provinces of Erbil , Dahuk and Sulaymaniyah, mostly Syrian Kurds who have fled from the fighting in their country and the deterioration in living conditions .

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