Baghdad assigns oil committees and experts to determine the penalty on Erbil and Ankara

Baghdad assigns oil committees and experts to determine the penalty on Erbil and Ankara

“ Baghdad would take legal action and other action to " punish" Turkey and Kurdistan Region and also foreign companies for any participation in exports of " smuggled " Kurdish oil without the approval of Baghdad,”The Iraqi Minister of Oil , Abdul -Karim al-Laeebi said in a press statement , on Friday.

The media spokesman for the Ministry of oil, Assem Jihad told “shafaq News " , that "the government will take all legal action against anyone who use Iraqi oil illegally ."

Ankara reduced quoting its Energy Minister , Tanz Yildiz on Friday , threats of the Iraqi government , by saying " they cast a different statement every week ."

Jihad said that "there are specialized experts and committees that will work to determine the status of the damage that will inflict Iraq if Erbil continued in their quest to export oil without the approval of Baghdad and take legal action against the Erbil and Turkey " , calling for “ the adoption of dialogue to solve all problems between Baghdad and Erbil and seek the best investment of national wealth .

Kurdistan attempts to sell oil and gas directly has raised the anger of the officials in Baghdad, who assert that the federal government has the only right to manage energy resources of Iraq .

The Region 's government said last week that oil began flowing in a new pipeline to Turkey and it is expected to start the export at the end of this month to strengthen supplies in February and March .

But Prime Minister , Nuri al-Maliki threatened to reduce the share of the financial budget of Kurdistan if it goes ahead with plans to export without the approval of Baghdad .

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