Asaib opposes passing amendment of the local elections law: it contradicts the demonstrator’s demands

Asaib opposes passing amendment of the local elections law: it contradicts the demonstrator’s demands

Shafaq News / MP Laila Al-Habboubi from "Sadikon" parliamentary bloc representing "Asaib Ahl al-Haq" group led by Qais al-Khazali revealed on Wednesday the pursuit of some political blocs in amending the law of provincial elections despite the demands of the demonstrators calling for its abolition.

Al-Habboubi said in a press statement today, "The parliament voted during the last period to freeze the work of the provincial councils in line with the demands of the demonstrators, which called for its abolition," surprised "from including the amendment of the law on the agenda of parliament sessions to be amended and the return the work of the provincial councils to normal ".

She added, "The parliament will stand in the face of anyone trying to pass laws that are contrary to the demands of the Iraqi citizen."

Iraq's cabinet decided on Tuesday to postpone provincial elections until later.

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