Adnani orders to head to Baghdad and vows Maliki : settle the score will be in Najaf and Karbala

Adnani orders to head to Baghdad and vows Maliki : settle the score will be  in Najaf and Karbala

 Mohammed al-Adnani said in an audio recording published by the militant sites , seen by "Shafaq News", addressing the elements of Daash "Go to Caliphate Baghdad, we have  to settle the score “.

Adnani addressed Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki by saying "this is a message to the idiots (Shiite) , Nuri al-Maliki and the political and military leadership, you have wasted a historic opportunity to take control of Iraq, as we have to settle the score “.

He concluded, "settling the score will not be in Samarra but in Baghdad and Najaf."

The Sunni Islamist militants took full control yesterday at the nearby city of Mosul to Kurdistan Region as they have also marched towards Salahuddin and Kirkuk provinces .

Following these developments, according to Iraqi sources at dawn today , 7000 U.S. troops have arrived to Iraq as 4000 of them arrived Baghdad and 3000 to Sulaymaniyah.

He didn’t explain the duties of these forces.

The ambassadors of the NATO members have held an emergency meeting on Wednesday evening at the request of Turkey to discuss the situation in Iraq, where Islamist militants took control on many lands and took 80 Turkish people as hostage.

In the midst of the evolution of the situation , a senior military commander in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard revealed that the general command of these forces announced the general alert within its ranks because of serious security developments taking place in Iraq after the fall of Mosul, Iraq's second city after Baghdad by gunmen of Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant organization "Daash ". 

Mosul clans have demanded the government to arm people to defend themselves because Daash committed a massacre against minority Shiites in Mosul.

The Army combat Aviation has intensified on Tuesday night strong strikes to face gatherings and insurgents of Daash in the context of the security operation for the Liberation of Mosul.

Regarding the developments in the field , gunmen approached Baiji refinery after seizing the center of power, while the Association of Muslim Scholars, led by Sheikh Harith al-Dhari blessed the " resounding victory of revolutionaries”.


Daash has also send patrols in the streets of Hawija in Kirkuk with the disappearance of the government forces and government officials, after Daash gunmen seized control of Hawija and 5 other sub-districts of Kirkuk province.

The religious Marjiyaa in Najaf called political leaders to unite and strengthen their presence to stand against the "terrorists."

The office of the religious Marjaa, Ali al-Sistani said in a statement that the religious  Marjiyaa confirms its support for the attribution of its sons in the armed forces and urging them to patience and fortitude in facing the aggressors

Michael Knights, an analyst at the Washington Institute for Middle East Policy says that "if Daash succeeds in strengthening its grip on the city of Mosul, then it will repeat its success in controlling the center of Raqqa Syrian province."

He added, "In fact, the success of Daash to consolidate its control over Mosul, a city of more than one million people, this would be considered as a success much more than any success that had previously achieved in Syria, and will bring an earthquake that would be felt in the whole region."

Knights expected "outbreak of fierce battles as the government of Nuri al-Maliki will use all its strength - the army , local militias , warplanes , volunteers Shiites loyal to Iran , the Peshmerga and the logistical support and U.S. intelligence - to remove Daash of Mosul."

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