A close source to Abdul Mahdi reveals pressure to amend a report about killing protesters

A close source to Abdul Mahdi reveals pressure to amend a report about killing protesters

Shafaq News/ A political pressure is being exerted on the commission charged with investigating killings in recent demonstrations in the country, an official close to Iraqi Prime Minister ,Adel Abdul Mahdi said Sunday.

According to officials close to Abdul Mahdi's office, political pressure is being exerted on the government to amend the committee's report.

One of them, told the New Arab, that "most covered by the recommendations of the commission are officers and senior leaders who will be facing arrest warrants but they have connections to parties and political parties that have influence in the government," stressing that "the report is currently under the supervision of the government, and any amendment to it will be the responsibly of the commission ".

He pointed out that "the government is under great pressure from those who are lobbying in defense of the officers associated to them."

With the Iraqi street awaiting a wave of new demonstrations, which are expected to emerge on 25 October, the decision of the government on Friday to suspend the announcement of the investigation’s results about the killing of demonstrators for several more days just increased the anger of the street Iraqi.

The ministerial commission charged with investigating the killing of protesters announced on Saturday that it would hand over the final report to the Prime Minister by Sunday evening.

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