Wisdom MP criticizes Sadrists' strategy to address the political situation

Wisdom MP criticizes Sadrists' strategy to address the political situation

Shafaq News / Member of the Wisdom movement, Rahim al-Aboudi, criticized on Sunday the strategy adopted by the Sadrist movement to address the current political situation.

Al-Aboudi told Shafaq News agency that the movement aims to extend the mandate of Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi and his government, by hindering all attempts to hold a dialogue or negotiations with the Coordination Framework.

He added that the Sadrist movement wants to make sure it is the only decision-maker. 

Al-Aboudi added that PM al-Kadhimi did a lot for the Sadrist movement by granting them prominent state positions so that his mandate can be extended.

The Sadrist bloc hopes to form a national majority government by aligning with some of the Sunni and Kurdish political leaders. On the other hand, the Iranian-aligned Shia Coordination Framework forces are working with the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and other forces to form a rival political faction.

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