United Nations’ Plasschaert to visit Iran soon

United Nations’ Plasschaert to visit Iran soon

Shafaq News / The official Iranian "IRNA" agency quoted on Thursday the special representative of the United Nations Secretary-General to Iraq, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert saying that she will visit the capital, Tehran, soon. 

The agency said that Plasschaert had confirmed to the Iranian ambassador to Iraq, Iraj Masjedi, during a meeting at the embassy in Baghdad, that she is ready to visit Tehran soon. 

It added that Masjedi and Plasschaert reviewed in this meeting the most important developments on the Iraqi territories, and Iran's position in this regard. 

the Iranian and international sides stressed the importance of stability and security of Iraq and keeping it away from any tensions, due to the important role it plays in political, security and economic issues at the regional level.” IRNA said. 

The early parliamentary elections, the situation in the Kurdistan region, the visit of Iraqi Prime Minister to Iran, as well as the recent meeting between the United Nations representative and the religious authority, Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, were the most important points of the meeting between Masjedi and Plasschaert, according to the agency. 

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