Two police officers injured in an ISIS ambush in Diyala

Two police officers injured in an ISIS ambush in Diyala

Shafaq News / A security source reported that two police officers were injured in an ISIS ambush northeast of Baquba.

The source said that a police patrol was ambushed by ISIS terrorists on the outskirts of al-Abbara district, before the two parties clashed.

Two police officers were injured and the terrorists fled, which prompted the security forces to launch a search campaign to pursue the perpetrators.

Al-Abbara district is subjected to continuous terrorist attacks as its orchards still contain ISIS hideouts.

Earlier today, a security source in Diyala reported that another civilian was assassinated in Abu Saida district.

The source told Shafaq News agency that armed men shot a man near his house in Abu Saida, killing him immediately.

This is the second consecutive assassination within the past two hours in Diyala today, after a police officer was shot dead in al-Muqdadiyah today.

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