Two high-level delegations arrive in al-Abbara

Two high-level delegations arrive in al-Abbara

Shafaq News/ Two high-level delegations, a governmental and Parliamentary, arrived in al-Abbara sub-district in Diyala to offer condolences to the families of the victims of the attack that took place in al-Jizani village.

The director of al-Abbara sub-district, Mazen al-Tamimi, said in a statement to Shafaq News Agency, "two delegations arrived in the sub-district to attend the condolences gathering. The first was Ministerial, and it included the Ministers of Interior, Health, and Communications, as well as the National Security Advisor and the head of the Joint Operations Command. The second delegation was Parliamentary."

"The Minister of Interior, Othman al-Ghanmi, pledged to clear al-Waqf strip soon, launch a swoop operation to seize unlicensed arms, and execute the arrest warrants."

"The Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi called the families of the victims to offer condolences. He promised to clear all the hot spots from ISIS hotbeds and undercover terrorist gangs."

"Al-Abbara file and al-Waqf strip receives the attention of the Prime Minister to preserve the lives of the citizens and prevent the terrorist gangs from executing their plans."

Al-Abbara district, 15 kilometers from Baquba's center, has been a scene for dozens of terrorist attacks that left dozens of injuries and casualties among civilians and security personnel.

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