Tishreen revolutionaries disown of other demonstrators who conduct assault on the Government buildings

Tishreen revolutionaries disown of other demonstrators who conduct assault on the Government buildings

Shafaq News / The "Tishreen (October) revolutionaries" Gathering in Dhi Qar governorate issued on Monday a statement on closing state departments by groups of demonstrators.

Yesterday, Demonstrators in Al-Islah district, east of Dhi Qar, closed government departments with iron padlocks, saying until the dismissal of the Governor.

The Gathering said in the statement "the Nasiriya demonstrators have no relation to groups that close Government departments and block roads … those are affiliated with parties with specific and clear goals."

The revolutionaries expressed in the statement regret because some people who “are supposed to be civil demonstrators are led by Ahmed Sajit Al-Ghazi, the brother of Ali Sajit, who was arrested in charges  of corruption and is leading them to burn the municipality building in the name of Tishreen Revolutionaries."

"Just as we stood against the parties who are wasting the Nasiriya’s money, we declare our standing against these merchants," it said.

The revolutionaries of Al-Haboubi Square warned that these groups, led by Ali Sajit, began preparing to ignite a new conflict in the governorate.

For his part, journalist Ali Sajit and his brother, the civil society activist Ahmed, denied that they were leading the recent demonstrations in Dhi Qar governorate, during which government departments were closed with iron padlocks.

Ali Sajit told Shafaq News Agency said, "we communicated directly has been with those responsible for the demonstrators in Al-Haboubi Square and they confirmed that the statement that was published was not issued by them."

He added that, "There are parties that seek to hurt me and my brother, the civil society activist Ahmed Sajit Al-Ghazi, and forcing me to withdraw from running the elections for the position of head of the Journalists Syndicate in the Dhi Qar branch."

He confirmed with his brother, that "what is being circulated is totally untrue."

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