The exiled crown prince of Iran: Iran tarnished Iraq with misery and squalor

The exiled crown prince of Iran: Iran tarnished Iraq with misery and squalor

Shafaq News/ Reza Pahlavi, the exiled son of the last Shah of Iran, said that Iran's political stunt in Iraq has brought misery to the nation of this country.

In an interview with "Israel Hayom", Pahlavi warned tha that Biden administration's intent to rejoin the JCPOA nuclear deal with Iran is a mistake and that the deal was based on the misconception that the current regime would change its ways, "The regime's destructive and destabilizing actions are not conducive to any long-term relations with the free world."

Pahlavi said that the only sensible solution to American and regional security concerns and the Iranian peoples' myriad problems, lies in supporting "the struggle for freedom and democracy in Iran".

The son of the exiled shah said that JCPOA's financial rewards allowed the regime to three major Arab capitals and intimidate more.

"In the countries like Iraq and Lebanon where people fear the regime's armed militias like Hezbollah, their loss of money and power invited a backlash of popular demonstrations against the Islamic Republic's influence. It also enriched and increased the leverage of radical Palestinians over moderate ones, increasing insecurity for Israel."

Pahlavi said that Iran questionable eminent possession of the nuclear weapon is much less needed with a" free hand to sow mayhem in the region".

He highlighted the opportunities that the Abraham Accord opened to the "Alliance for Progress", referring to the countries that ratified it, in comparison "to the squalor and wretched misery of youth in countries occupied and controlled by the Axis of Resistance: my own Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen, and Syria."

Pahlavi said that normalization with Israel is unlikely under the current regime in Iran, adding that the Iranian nation looks forward to peace with Israel and all the neighboring countries.

The exiled crownprice of Iran’s former regime told the Israeli newspaper that he has “no doubt” that the regime there is nearing the end of the line, adding, "I would love to travel to Israel and meet its people."

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