The United States is open to working with any Iraqi government, US official

The United States is open to working with any Iraqi government, US official

Shafaq News/ A US official confirmed that the United States is "ready to work with any Iraqi government."

In an interview with the Al-Hurra channel, the American official avoided answering a question about the resignation of the deputies of the Sadrists bloc, saying, "There is no comment." 

"We are open to working with any Iraqi government that puts the sovereignty of the country and the interests of the Iraqi people in its mainstream agenda." He said.

Since the Iraqi Parliament held its first session on the ninth of last January, Iraq's situation has become more complicated.

The scene became more critical after the influential Shi'ite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr asked lawmakers from the Sadrist bloc in Iraq's Parliament to resign amid a prolonged stalemate over forming a government.

Muqtada Al-Sadr considered his decision a "sacrifice from me for the country and the people to rid them of the unknown destiny, as we did earlier to liberate Iraq and its sovereignty, security, unity, and stability."

Soon after, the parliamentary speaker Mohamad Al-Halboosi accepted the resignations.

 Now, many challenges face the initiatives to overcome the long political deadlock; the first challenge is a three-times fail in choosing the new Iraqi President due to the differences between the two Kurdish poles; the Kurdistan Democratic Party says the position of the President of the Republic is a "Kurdish entitlement, and not for a specific party." and, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan asserts that this position is its right.

The second challenge is forming a new government and Prime Minister, and the third is the political situation and new alliances with Al-Sadr's withdrawal.

Another challenge may disturb and complicate the scene, the stalemate and tension that could boil over and lead to street protests by supporters of al-Sadr, turning into violence.

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