The Shiite Coordination Framework to hold a meeting in the office of the head of the State of Law coalition

The Shiite Coordination Framework to hold a meeting in the office of the head of the State of Law coalition

Shafaq News/ The Supreme Committee of the Shiite Coordination Framework will hold a meeting in the office of the State of Law coalition head.

A source told Shafaq News Agency, "The committee will hold a meeting at 8 p.m. today in the office of the head of the State of Law coalition, Nuri al-Maliki, to discuss the events that accompanied the electoral process and the formation of the largest bloc for forming a government."

The coordination framework includes the majority of Shiite forces, except the Sadrist movement, which is the "Al-Fateh" alliance, the "state forces," the "state of law," the "national approach," and the "national contract."

The coordination framework of the Shiite forces announced its total rejection of the election results on Saturday.

Earlier, the gathering said in a statement, "We hoped that the Electoral Commission would correct the major violations it committed during and after counting the votes and announcing the results."

"After its insistence on the results, we announce our total rejection of these results."

The Framework held the Commission "full responsibility for the failure of the electoral process and its mismanagement, which will negatively affect the democratic path and societal reconciliation."

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