The Sadrist: our Jihadi factions are inactive for now despite their readiness

The Sadrist: our Jihadi factions are inactive for now despite their readiness

Shafaq News /the leader of the Sadrist movement’s office, Muqtada al-Sadr, declared the recent role of resistance factions in the movement.

The office said, "Sayyed Muqtada Al-Sadr confirms that the jihadi factions formed in the Sadrist movement to resist the occupation, “Army of Imam Mahdi “and” the Promised Day (Al-Yawm Al-Mawoud) Brigade “are still inactive for the time, despite their constant readiness"

And about forming a new faction, He added, "There is no call to form a new military faction, so the mujahedeen must take caution."

Earlier, an armed faction "Karim Daraam Brigade" -split from Al-Sadr movement- was formed to confront the "US military presence in Iraq,” This comes after Sadrist leader’s position not to target diplomatic missions in Baghdad.

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