The Sadrist bloc reveals winning 75 seats in the new Parliament

The Sadrist bloc reveals winning 75 seats in the new Parliament

Shafaq News/ The Sadrist bloc revealed today that it had obtained more than 75 seats in the new Iraqi parliament.

The leader of the bloc, Riyadh Al-Masoudi, told Shafaq News Agency, "According to preliminary information, we have achieved no less than 75 parliamentary seats."

He added, "the figures may rise to the limits of 90 seats", pointing out that the weight of the Sadrist bloc was in Baghdad, Basra, Maysan, and Najaf.

"We are waiting for the official results to be announced by the commission," he added.

The Sadrist bloc ran for the elections with 100 candidates distributed across the country.

The Sairoon coalition (which brings together the Sadrists, the Communist Party, and civilian technocrats), which is backed by al-Sadr, topped the last parliamentary elections in 2018, with 54 seats out of 329.

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