The Iraqi Communist Party holds al-Kadhimi responsible for al-Tahrir square bloody events

The Iraqi Communist Party holds al-Kadhimi responsible for al-Tahrir square bloody events

Shafaq News / The Iraqi Communist Party held the federal government and its president, Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, responsible for the "bloody suppression" of the protests, describing the attacks on the demonstrators in al-Tahrir Square yesterday as a "heinous crime."

The party said in a statement, "The deadly shooting that targeted the heads and chests of peaceful demonstrators in al-Tahrir Square in Baghdad recalls the bloody violence that the same square witnessed during the October 2019 uprising."

The statement noted that the government had publicly affirmed its seriousness in protecting peaceful demonstrators, and its determination to prevent resorting to violence against them. 

"What happened yesterday does not absolve the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and his apparatus of responsibility, even if it is proven that there are no orders to open fire from the higher commanders of the security services, as they are responsible for ensuring the security of the demonstrations, just as they are considered partners in the crime if they cover up the perpetrators."

 The Communist Party held the government responsible for what happened yesterday, calling on al-Kadhimi to clarify the reasons for not implementing his orders to protect the demonstrators.

Hundreds of citizens demonstrated yesterday in al-Tahrir Square in Baghdad, under the slogan "Who killed me?". Clashes took place between demonstrators and security forces that used sound and smoke bombs and live bullets, killing a demonstrator and wounding 26 others, including members of the security forces.

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