The 2021 budget law draft is ready to be voted on in the Iraqi Parliament

The 2021 budget law draft is ready to be voted on in the Iraqi Parliament

Shafaq News / A Parliamentary source said that the General Budget Law draft for 2021 is ready for voting in Parliament.

The source told Shafaq News Agency that the budget law has become ready after amendments were made to some of its articles, and the deficit was reduced by 50%."

The source added, "the Parliamentary Finance Committee will distribute copies of the revised draft to the heads of political blocs 24 hours before the date of the voting session", noting that next Monday, the parliamentary sessions will be resumed, and the budget law will be voted on."

Next Tuesday will be the last day of the legislative term of the council of Representatives after it has been extended for a month, while Wednesday will be the first day of the legislative recess.

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