Terrorists were arrested in Baghdad and Karbala

Terrorists were arrested in Baghdad and Karbala

Shafaq News/ a "terrorist” was arrested on Wednesday in southern Iraq, Karbala Operations Command said in a statement.

The Command reported that its forces carried out an operation in the Karbala desert in al-Nukhaib district which resulted in the arrest of a wanted terrorist.

“The man is handed over to the authority." It added.

The statement did not five further information

Meanwhile, Baghdad Operations Command said in a statement the security forces arrested three suspects in accordance with Article 4/1 of terrorism, the first, nicknamed “Abu Jawhara”, who lives in Fallujah district and the others in north of Baghdad.

In addition, "Baghdad Falcons dismantled two grenades in the Kamaliah area, east of Baghdad, and an explosive device in the Al-Hussainiya area, northeast of Baghdad."

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