Tens of demonstrators storm Al-Tahrir square in Baghdad

Tens of demonstrators storm Al-Tahrir square in Baghdad

Shafaq News / An informed source reported on Saturday that tens of demonstrators stormed Al-Tahrir Square, the center of the protests in the capital, Baghdad.

The source told Shafaq News agency that there is a heavy security deployment in the square.

A few days ago, demonstrations were organized to protest the delay in paying salaries by Al-Kadhimi's government, and its failure to fulfill the promises it made.

Last October, the Iraqi security forces arrested tens of wanted demonstrators, in addition to removing tents and opening all roads in Baghdad.

Al-Tahrir Square is the icon of the "October Revolution", as the demonstrators like to call it. After opening it, the page turns over a whole year of protests that witnessed excessive acts of violence.

The Iraqi demonstrations began on October 1, 2019, to protest the deteriorating economic conditions in the country, corruption and unemployment.

Under popular pressure, and after hundreds of protestors were killed and thousands were injured, the previous Iraqi government headed by Adel Abdul Mahdi resigned, and a temporary one was formed until early legislative elections were held, the date of which was set by the current Prime Minister, Mustafa al-Kadhimi, next June of 2021.

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