Sunni figure: Political forces will try to circumvent al-Sistani's statements on redressing the refugees and ISIS victims

Sunni figure: Political forces will try to circumvent al-Sistani's statements on redressing the refugees and ISIS victims

Shafaq News/ The political forces will circumvent the recommendations of Iraq's top Shiite cleric Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani and bend them for their personal interests, Sunni politician Atheel al-Nujaifi said on Monday.

Earlier today, Ayatollah al-Sistani received a delegation from the United Nations Investigative Team to Promote Accountability for Crimes Committed by Daesh/ISIS (UNITAD) headed by Special Advisor Christian Ritscher in Najaf. According to a readout issued by his bureau, al-Sistani called for liberating the Yazidi and Turkmen women held captives by ISIS remnants in Syria and taking active measures to redress its victims.

Al-Nujaifi, a former governor of Nineveh, welcomed the statements of al-Sistani but cast doubts on the political intentions to materialize them.

"There is no doubt that al-Sistani's statements reflect a wisdom that the political parties miss. However, the question is whether they will endorse this invitation and implement it or try to puncture it and empty it from any content," he said.

"There is no serious movement to help stabilize the liberated territories," he concluded, "the political forces exploit the political statements and bend them for their personal interests. We are used to it.

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