Sunni MP criticizes al-Halboosi's statements on giving the Presidency to a Sunni

Sunni MP criticizes al-Halboosi's statements on giving the Presidency to a Sunni

Shafaq News/ Atheel al-Nujaifi, a leader of the Salvation and Development front, derided the statements of the Iraqi Parliament Speaker, Muhammad al-Halboosi, on handing the Presidency of the Republic to the Sunni component in the upcoming period.

In a statement to Shafaq News Agency, al-Nujaifi said, "raising this issue now instigates new discords between the political forces."

"The state of Iraq is currently facing a huge threat from the anti-state."

According to the norms practiced since the fall of the former regime, the President is the Republic is agreed to be a Kurd, the Prime Minister a Shiite, and the Parliament Speaker a Sunni.

The Parliament Speaker, Muhammad al-Halboosi, said in a statement on Saturday that a Sunni at the head of the State will "renovate" the political work in Iraq, calling the state institutions to devise a plan to meet the demands of the demonstrators.

"We believe that the Kurds can be well represented by a Kurd in the Parliament Speaker position," he added.

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