Spokesperson of a "Resistance Faction" reveals the U.S. embassy location in the response equation

Shafaq News/ A spokesperson for the Kata'ib Sayyid al-Shuhada movement said that the Coordinating Body of the Resistance Factions, a convention of Iraqi factions opposing the U.S. presence in Iraq, bars attacking the U.S. embassy in Baghdad, hinting at a U.S. involvement in staged attacks to justify targeting its opponents.
Three rockets were fired at the U.S. embassy inside Baghdad's Greene Zone early on Thursday. Sirens blared from the embassy compound inside the zone, which houses government buildings and foreign missions, sources said.
On Tuesday, A drone attacked Erbil airport in northern Iraq with explosives, aimed at the U.S. base on the airport grounds, Kurdish security sources said.
On Monday, a rocket attack targeted the Ain al-Assad airbase, U.S. and other international troops in western al-Anbar. The attack resulted in three injuries.
The United States accuses Iran of orchestrating attacks on its troops and interests in Iraq via its proxies. However, Iranian diplomatic channels refute these allegations.
The spokesperson of the Iran-backed movement, Kadhem al-Fartousi, told Shafaq News agency, "there is a huge difference between the U.S. embassy and the military base. Targeting embassies is prohibited per the agreement of the Coordinating Body of the Resistance Factions," adding, "Military bases that might be a part of the U.S. embassy, there is no reason to refrain from attacking it."
"Resistance is a right for the people. It cannot be exclusive to the Resistance Factions or the Coordinating Body of the Resistance Factions. However, when the Coordinating Body speaks, it speaks for particular factions known by name and description. Moreover, the Coordinating Body cannot prevent or bloc any act by any group here or there. The Resistance Factions have no authority on others."
"Some military operations are in favor of the U.S. Occupier by parties that work for its interests. It prompts those attacks, and it aims to defame the Iraqi Resistance Factions and provide an excuse and a pretext for the U.S. occupiers to bomb the factions for self-defense."
The Secretary-General of the Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq movement, Qais al-Khazali, tweeted earlier today, "The Coordinating Body of the Resistance Factions has not yet entered the U.S. embassy into the response equation, noting that if it does enter, the resistance factions will not use Katyusha rockets, which are known for their lack of accuracy which might damage nearby residential areas, especially in the presence of high-precision weapons, as the past days proved."
On the "Coordinating Body of the Resistance Factions", a source told Shafaq News agency that it includes Kata'ib Hezbollah, Kata'ib Sayyid al-Shuhada, Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq, Kata'ib Imam Ali, al-Nujaba Movement, al-Awfiyaa Movement, Kata'ib Jund al-Imam, and Saraya al-Khorasani.
"It is run by the leaders of those factions. The decisions are taken by majority voting and deliberation," the source said.