Southern Iraq demands action: Protests erupt over critical electricity shortages

Southern Iraq demands action: Protests erupt over critical electricity shortages

Shafaq News/ On Monday, residents of Al-Shafiyya district in Al-Diwaniyah Governorate, southern Iraq, began angry demonstrations by burning tires to demand better services.

A local source informed Shafaq News Agency that hundreds of citizens are protesting deteriorating service conditions, demanding better basic amenities, particularly electricity, which is critically scarce in the region.

Notably, Iraq has grappled with chronic electricity shortages for decades, exacerbated by sanctions following the Kuwait invasion and subsequent conflicts. Residents frequently protest the frequent power outages, particularly unbearable during scorching summer temperatures that can reach 50 degrees Celsius.

Iraq imports electricity and gas from Iran, covering between a third to 40% of its energy requirements, which is crucial, particularly during the summer months. However, Iraq encounters challenges in financing these imports due to US sanctions, which restrict Iran's access to funds for purchasing essential goods like food and medicine.

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