Source: Ain Al-Asad Airbase under Armed group fire

Source: Ain Al-Asad Airbase under Armed group fire

Shafaq News/ On Thursday evening, a bomb-laden drone targeted the Ain al-Asad air base in western Al-Anbar Governorate.

A security source told Shafaq News Agency that armed factions attacked the Air Base, which houses American soldiers.

No group claimed responsibility, but the US-led Coalition forces sites in Iraq are frequently targeted by the pro-Iranian group the Islamic Resistance in Iraq (IRI).

Hours ago, IRI claimed responsibility for launching a bomb-laden drone on Erbil International Airport in the Kurdistan Region.

A statement by the group said that its members attacked the "(US) occupation base near Erbil Airport in northern Iraq with drones," stressing that "the Islamic Resistance will continue to destroy enemy strongholds."

The statement added, "This attack comes as a continuation of the approach of resistance against the American occupation forces in Iraq and the region and response to the massacres of the Zionist entity in Gaza."

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