Solving the Erbil-Baghdad issues the key to the stability of Iraq, Barzani says

Solving the Erbil-Baghdad issues the key to the stability of Iraq, Barzani says

Shafaq News / The President of Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, confirmed that solving the Erbil-Baghdad issues the key to the stability of Iraq, while the representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations expressed the United Nations' support for the dialogue between the two parties.

The regional presidency said in a statement that Barzani received today the representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Iraq, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert. 

According to the statement, Hennis-Plasschaert emphasized that the good relations between Erbil and Baghdad are in the interest of all of Iraq. She also expressed the United Nations' support for the dialogue between the two parties, hoping that they would be able to solve their problems.

For his part, Barzani expressed his hope that Erbil and Baghdad would continue to stimulate the success of the dialogue and provide aid and assistance in solving problems between them, according to the statement.

Barzani stressed that the final and comprehensive solution to the problems of Erbil-Baghdad is the key to stability and coexistence in Iraq, as well as taking into account the difficult conditions of the country and the challenges facing it.

The statement indicated that the political, security, health and economic conditions of Iraq, confronting terrorism, the tasks of the international coalition in the country, the upcoming elections, developments in the region in general, and other issues of common concern were also discussed. 

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