Shiite political parties comment on the attacks in the Green Zone

Shiite political parties comment on the attacks in the Green Zone

Shafaq News / Shiite political parties objected today Sunday to the attacks of the Green Zone in the capital Baghdad.

Hezbollah Brigades (Kata’ib Hezbollah) said in a statement the rockets attack on the US embassy in Baghdad is an "uncontrolled" act, calling on the government to take the necessary steps to arrest the perpetrators.

They added, "We condemn the indiscriminately shooting on the US embassy, ​​as it poses a threat to civilian lives," calling for "the United States to suspend the military activities in the area for the residents’ safety."

For his part, the leader of Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq Movement, Qais Khazali, denied on Sunday the responsibility of the Iraqi resistance for the attack on the embassy in Baghdad, stressing at the same time that targeting the US military bases is a "legitimate right."

Khazali said in a tweet, "The decision of Iraqi Resistance Coordination Commission is not to target the US embassy in the first place."

He added, "As for targeting the US bases, it is our right to liberate our country and avenge our martyrs, but we specify the time to respond and it is not far away."

On the same context, the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, demanded, on Sunday, the Iraqi government to declare a state of emergency in the capital, Baghdad.

Al-Sadr said in a tweet, "Nobody has the right to use outlaw weapons and the government must deploy the army to protect civilians and diplomatic missions, and I am fully prepared for security cooperation in this regard."

"Parliament must negotiate with the US embassy to end its occupation, control and interference in Iraqi affairs in a way that preserves security for Iraq." He stressed

Al-Sadr concluded, "I advise the US embassy not to respond militarily to these attacks, and to hand the reins over to the Iraqi authorities."

At least Eight Katyusha rockets landed in Baghdad’s heavily fortified Green Zone in an attack targeting the U.S. Embassy, Iraqi security media cell said on Sunday.

The Iraqi cell said that an “outlaw group” fired rockets at Baghdad’s heavily fortified Green Zone on Sunday.

The rockets launched from Al-Rashid camp and hit Al-Qadisiyah buildings in a residential complex inside the Green Zone, damaging the buildings and cars and wounded one Iraqi soldier, the statement said.

Sirens blared from the embassy compound inside the zone, which houses government buildings and foreign missions.

An anti-rocket system (C-RAM) diverted two of the rockets, said a security official to Shafaq News Agency.

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