Security forces disperse the demonstrators and retake control over al-Tahrir square

Security forces disperse the demonstrators and retake control over al-Tahrir square

Shafaq News/ Security forces regained control over al-Tahrir square in Baghdad's downtown after forcibly dispersing the demonstrators.

Eyewitnesses reported to Shafaq News Agency that the square was cleared from the demonstrators by the security forces who used violence to disperse them.

The demonstrators regrouped outside al-Tahrir square in scattered small gatherings, eyewitnesses reported.

The Iraqi Observatory for Human Rights said in a statement today, Tuesday, "the government still uses violence as a constant approach against the demonstrators."

The Observatory held the Iraqi government accountable for the losses inflicted in today's demonstrations, "Iraqi security forces used live ammunition and tear gas against peaceful demonstrators."

A demonstrator reportedly perished in today's demonstrations in al-Tahrir Square.

A medical source reported to Shafaq News Agency that the demonstrator was hit with live rounds by the law-enforcement forces in al-Tahrir Square and rapidly succumbed to his wounds.

For his part, the member of the Iraqi High Commission for Human Rights (IHCHR), Ali al-Bayati, confirmed the death of a demonstrator and the injury of others.

Al-Bayati said that the demonstrators also set fire to vehicles of the security forces.

A security source and Eyewitnesses said that the law enforcement forces deployed live ammunition "heavily", injuring three demonstrators, which required transferring them to hospital for medical care.

Law enforcement forces used live bullets to disperse the masses demonstrating in al-Tahrir Square, downtown the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, according to Eyewitnesses.

Demonstrators gathered today in al-Tahrir Square, near Bab Sharqi, to demand revealing the identities of those involved in killing demonstrators and activists.

Eyewitnesses told Shafaq News Agency that a demonstrator sustained severe injuries when security forces opened fire towards the demonstrators.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent reported clashes between demonstrators and security forces in al-Tahrir Square when the latter attempted to confine the infuriated demonstrators in the Bab Sharqi area. Three security officers and two demonstrators were injured in the skirmishes.

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