Security forces and civilians foil an ISIS attack in Jalawla

Security forces and civilians foil an ISIS attack in Jalawla

Shafaq News / A local source in Diyala said that security forces and civilians thwarted on Thursday an attack carried out by ISIS militants targeting a village in Jalawla district, 70 km northeast of Baqubah. 

The source told Shafaq News agency, "forces from the army and civilians responded to an attack by ISIS militants on the village of Umm al-Hantah, 15 km north of Jalawla. The defending forces clashed with them and prevented them from advancing towards the village".

The source indicated that the security forces arrested a wounded terrorist who was participating in the attack.

A security source had informed Shafaq News Agency earlier, "ISIS militants attacked the village of Umm al-Hantah with mortar shells and snipers. The troops stationed in the area and the residents of the village responded to them".

It is noteworthy that the areas north of Jalawla have been witnessing security turmoil for more than a year, after ISIS terrorists fled from the liberated areas to the orchards and agricultural reeds.

Jalawla district is located 70 km northeast of Baquba and is inhabited by a mixture of Kurds, Arabs and Turkmen. The district fell to ISIS gangs in August 2014 before it was liberated in November of the same year.

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