Security Forces disperse a sit-in for Higher-Education graduates

Security Forces disperse a sit-in for Higher-Education graduates

Shafaq News/ A security source stated on Sunday that security forces broke up a sit-in of higher-education graduates in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.

The source informed Shafaq News Agency, "a security force destroyed the protesters' tents in al-Alawi area in the center of the capital, Baghdad."

The source added, "representatives of the sit-in have been arrested as well," noting, "negotiations are underway to release the detainees."

The High Commission for Human Rights in Iraq confirmed in a statement issued this evening that their field teams documented the deployment of excessive violence by law enforcement forces against peaceful demonstrators in central Baghdad today. The HCHR deemed the deeds a “violation” of civil and political rights that guarantee the right to assemble and demonstrate peacefully.

The Commission warned the security forces in general and law enforcement forces, particularly of violating the fundamental freedoms and demanded stopping the use of violence to disperse peaceful demonstrations. It also called on the government and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research to provide job opportunities, as well as invest in domestic competencies and expertise in government institutions.

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