Security Forces and Residents protect Jalawla from ISIS

Security Forces and Residents protect Jalawla from ISIS

Shafaq News / ISIS members burned an orchard and opened fire on north of Jalawla district residents, northeast of Baqubah. A local source in Diyala said today, Tuesday.

The source told Shafaq News Agency, “ISIS set fire in an orchard in Arab Suleiman village, 17 km north of Jalawla, and attacked the residents whom forced them to withdraw without resulting in any losses or casualties."

It is noteworthy that the areas north of Jalawla have been witnessing security turmoil for more than two years after the infiltration of ISIS elements fleeing from the liberated areas and governorates to the orchards and the agricultural fields.

Jalawla, 70 km northeast of Baqubah, a town of about 80,000 Kurds, Arabs and Turkmen just south of Diyala’s border with Iraq’s semi-autonomous northern Kurdish region, has long experience

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