Sadrist Movement to Emerge from Political Self-Exile: High-ranking Insider Reveals Intentions for Upcoming Provincial Council Elections

Sadrist Movement to Emerge from Political Self-Exile: High-ranking Insider Reveals Intentions for Upcoming Provincial Council Elections

Shafaq News/A top-tier Sadrist figure on Monday said that the movement is considering a re-engagement in the Iraqi political sphere, signaling a shift in strategy after a period of withdrawal.

The decision, to take part in the upcoming provincial elections, marks the first significant political endeavor since the movement's leader, Muqtada al-Sadr, opted to bow out from the political process amidst the gridlocked formation of the Iraqi government.

Discussing the movement's strategy in a conversation with Shafaq News Agency, the source, who preferred to remain anonymous, revealed, "the leadership has decided to participate in the provincial council elections. Our election machines in Baghdad, and the central and southern cities, have begun quietly preparing, fine-tuning the technical and logistical arrangements necessary for a large-scale campaign."

As part of their tactical approach, the Sadrist movement plans to advance its interests through three electoral lists.

"These lists may not directly bear the movement's name or official alignment. Still, they will unquestionably operate under our exclusive umbrella."

Recently, political actors suggested deferring the provincial council elections until April 2024 in a bid to incentivize the Sadrist movement.

However, not all factions within the Iraqi political landscape share this sentiment. Some, like the State of Law Coalition and the Asaib Ahl al-Haq movement, fiercely oppose any delay in the electoral schedule. They are pressing for the elections to take place by the end of the current year as planned, even if this precipitates a boycott by the Sadrist movement.

The Iraqi parliament has already ratified a decision to hold the provincial council elections on November 6, 2023.

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