Sadrist Leader Accuses Dawa Party of Defaming Mohammad Sadiq al-Sadr

Sadrist Leader Accuses Dawa Party of Defaming Mohammad Sadiq al-Sadr

Shafaq News/ Hassan al-Azzari, a leading figure in the Sadrist movement, accused the Islamic Dawa Party, led by Nouri al-Maliki, of launching slanderous campaigns against revered Shiite clergyman, Mohammed Sadiq al-Sadr.

"The accusations appeared to be part of a meticulously orchestrated media onslaught steered by several influential entities including the Dawa Party and certain opposition forces who were once in exile, amidst the noticeable silence from armed groups."

Al-Azzari hinted at the noticeable surge of social media posts and videos tarnishing the reputation of the late Mohammed Sadiq al-Sadr, accusing him of associations with the defunct Ba'ath regime.

"These campaigns aim at damaging and casting doubts on the character of the martyred Sayyid, his esteemed spiritual authority and, subsequently, tarnishing the Sadrist line, its principles, and its vocal seminary at large," al-Azzari added.

"If the aforementioned parties are intent on establishing their innocence, they must legislate a law criminalizing the defaming and disrespect of the martyred Sayyid and his authoritative seminary, alongside any infringement on his blessed biography, while preserving the right for constructive criticism and debate."

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