Rockets fired at Iraqi airbase hosting American forces, Source

Rockets fired at Iraqi airbase hosting American forces, Source

Shafaq News/ About Ten Grad Rockets have been fired at Iraq’s al Asad airbase, which hosts U.S. forces, a source told Shafaq News Agency on Wednesday.

The Rocket launcher was found in a Kia vehicle in Al-Dulab area, west of Heet district, north of Ramadi. The source said.

He did not provide any other information on any damage or casualties from the attack.

No one claims responsibility so far

Ain Al-Asad is an Iraqi Armed Forces and United States Armed Forces base located in Al Anbar Governorate of western Iraq, approximately 180km west of Baghdad.

The base is also used by British Armed Forces in Iraq. It was originally known as Qadisiyah Airbase. It was the second largest US military airbase in Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom.

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