Recent FSC decision prevented budget bill approval, MP says

Recent FSC decision prevented budget bill approval, MP says

Shafaq News / Member of the finance parliamentary committee, Ikhlas al-Dulaimi, said that the decision of the Federal Supreme Court that prevented sending funds to the Kurdistan Region halted the approval of the 2023 budget bill.

Al-Dulaimi told Shafaq News agency that the 246 trillion dinars budget was set despite the 75 trillion dinars deficit, which opposes the financial management law that set 3% a maximum deficit allowed.

However, the government had added an article on the budget law that allows it not to comply with this condition, al-Dulaimi said.

She added that the Council of Ministers was supposed to receive the budget bill by the end of January, but the huge deficit in it halted the process t, coinciding with the recent FSC decision that prevented the vote on the budget bill.

Al-Dulaimi said that the government is now facing several major challenges, the most important of which is approving the budget bill amid the recent tension caused by FSC's recent decision.

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